A project of the "Delfina" restaurant
Come visit Gran Sasso Velino territory and discover the hearth of Abruzzo

A project of the "Delfina" restaurant


"Lo Scalco dell'Aquila" is located in the city center of the administrative center of the region. It represents a oasis of culinary pleasure: every dish tries to go beyond the simple ingredients that compose it, and everything is characterized by a stark contrast between sweet and sour, hot and cold.

To dine in this restaurant means to take a journey through the chef’s culinary creations and explore the local history. From the seaside to the hills, up to the mountains: a truly fascinating journey that you won’t regret taking.

The restaurant, with its historical and elegant location, present two big halls and two external gardens, as well as a wine cellar. On the walls, you will find works of art from some of the best rising artists of the region – a touch of elegance that makes the experience unique.

The menu stems from ideas and techniques learned through the years of research, and every dish present the influence of the local traditions.


  • italian
  • fish
  • meat
  • gourmet
  • traditional
  • wine list

Services available:

  • Air conditioning
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Parking
  • Take away

A project of the "Delfina" restaurant

Since 1935

Dove siamo

Address: Piazza San Pietro 67100 L'Aquila, AQ
Phone: 0862 1960991
Mobile phone: 334 2661277 - 328 3974129